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Tools & Equipment

Global Marine is the market leader in the development of fibre-based cable jointing technology and provides tools and equipment to customers around the globe, that are compatible with their specific Universal Joint (UJ) and Universal Quick Joint (UQJ) requirements.

There are two distinctive types of tools available standard equipment, which can be used across all joints, identified as ‘common equipment’ and bespoke equipment known as end-specific. Common equipment for UJ & UQJ technology includes the jointing benches, presses and general toolkits. Because the technology for preparing each cable type is different, there is an end-specific toolkit for each cable type.

The complete joint assembly will be carried out using a combination of the common tooling and the end-specific toolkits. All the toolkits are packaged in individual cases with foam cut-outs containing each tool which both offers protection and ensure that specific groups of tools remain together.

Click here to open the full UJ & UQJ tools & equipment catalogue…

Our Latest News:

Posted: 02/02/2024

Global Marine Group introduces SubConnect

We are delighted to introduce SubConnect, the latest addition to GMG’s subsea data and...

Posted: 02/02/2024

Cable Innovator successfully completes a cable-lay for the Neptune Observatory.

We are delighted that our vessel, the Cable Innovator, has successfully completed a cable...

Posted: 02/02/2024

January rowing challenge conquered!

We take immense pride in recognizing the outstanding achievement of our GMG rowing team...

Posted: 17/10/2023

Inspiring volunteers – raising awareness and vital funds for MNDA

Big charity challenges are a regular event at Global Marine Group. 2023 was no...

Posted: 13/10/2023

Inspiration and hope at the Ninos Pag Asa Centre Olongapo, Philippines.

Captain John Tollady from the Cable Retriever, shares his account of a long overdue...

Posted: 15/09/2023

Turning the Tide – playing a critical role, maintaining our critical global internet infrastructure, day in, day out

We caught up with our Chief Officer Kaya Teare about life offshore as a...

Posted: 12/09/2023

Inspiring future generations into the exciting telecoms sector

Our Head of Asia, Sheryl Ong, is going to be presenting at the SubOptic Foundation Symposium to...

Posted: 08/03/2023

Global Marine mark delivery of 80th digital X-Ray camera

Chelmsford, 8 March 2023. Global Marine, a market leader in subsea fibre optic cable...

Posted: 02/03/2022

Cable Retriever Awarded UK Met Office Certificate of Excellence for 2021

In recognition of the high standard of weather observations undertaken voluntarily at sea Cable...

Posted: 28/09/2021

Future Proofing the UK’s Critical Subsea Cable Infrastructure

As an independent island nation, the UK is heavily dependent on the uninterrupted provision...

Posted: 06/09/2021


Global Marine has completed the initial subsea fibre-optic cable route survey scope for the...

Posted: 25/08/2021

Interview with Melissa Webster

Junior Systems Technician We recently spoke to Melissa Webster, a Junior Systems Technician on...

Cable Retriever at sea
Posted: 20/07/2021

SEAIOCMA Extends Cable Maintenance Agreement with Global Marine

Five-Year Extension Runs to End of 2025 Global Marine, a leading provider of subsea...

Posted: 25/06/2021

Day of the Seafarer 2021

To mark the IMO Day of the Seafarer 2021 we spoke to two of...

Posted: 15/03/2021

Global Marine Awarded 16-Cable R100 Project by BT

Global Marine has been awarded the desktop study, survey and cable installation scope as...

Cable Retriever
Posted: 16/02/2021

Cable Retriever awarded UK Met Office Excellence Award

In recognition of the high standard of weather observations undertaken voluntarily at sea Global...

Posted: 01/02/2021

Global Marine Group signs the Neptune Declaration

Global Marine Group, along with over 450 other organiations have joined forces to help...

C.S. Sovereign telecoms cable ship
Posted: 25/11/2020


The Atlantic Cable Maintenance Agreement (ACMA) members and their suppliers Global Marine and Orange...

Posted: 13/10/2020


The United Nation’s World Maritime Day held at the end of September shone a...

OceanIQ Brand Logo
Posted: 21/09/2020

Global Marine Group Launches OceanIQ® Consultancy Business – utilising rich subsea data

Global Marine Group (GMG) a leading provider of subsea cable installation and maintenance services...

Posted: 08/09/2020

Global Marine Awarded Desk Top Study for Singapore India Gateway Cable System

Global Marine, a leading provider of subsea fibre optic cable installation and maintenance solutions...

Posted: 18/08/2020

SEA-KIT USV successfully completes 22 days of offshore operations in the Atlantic Ocean

We’re pleased to share this exciting press release from SEA-KIT celebrating the return of...

Posted: 14/07/2020

Group Annual Awards 2020

We recently celebrated our annual awards to recognise some of the shining stars within...

Posted: 18/06/2020

Global Marine Cadet Awarded Engineering Cadet of the Year

Today marks what should have been the graduation ceremony for students from the City...

Posted: 10/06/2020

Keeping our manufacturing operations moving throughout the pandemic

As part of the wider Global Marine business, our UJ team are quite unique...

Posted: 02/06/2020

Working together with our supply chain to maintain continuity for our customers

During subsea fibre optic cable repairs, universal joints (UJ) are used to reconnect damaged...

Posted: 20/05/2020

Adapting to ensure a continuation of service during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect businesses and individuals globally, like everyone, we’ve been adapting...

Posted: 24/03/2020

Adapting to ensure a continuation of service: Our response to COVID-19

In light of recent developments and UK Government guidelines, we wanted to update our...

Posted: 02/03/2020

J.F. Lehman & Company acquires Global Marine Group

Global Marine Group (“GMG” or the “Company”), a leading provider of subsea cable installation...

Posted: 31/01/2020

HC2 Holdings Announces Definitive Agreement to Sell Global Marine Group, Excluding the HMN Joint Venture, for $250 Million

The Global Marine Group is extremely pleased to announce that an agreement has been...

Posted: 25/06/2019

Global Marine Group to Safeguard Ørsted’s UK Power Cables Under the Atlantic Cable Maintenance Agreement

Global Marine Group (GMG), supported by its business units Global Marine, Global Offshore and...

Posted: 08/03/2019

Meet some of our inspirational ladies on International Women’s Day

In 2019, the focus of International Women’s Day is about balance. Balance drives a...

Posted: 28/02/2019

Osbit to deliver next generation Subsea Plough to Global Marine Group

Osbit Limited, the offshore technology and engineering company, has secured a contract with Global...

Posted: 22/08/2018

Global Marine completes two offshore oil field communications contracts for Tampnet

Global Marine, a market leader in subsea fibre optic cable installation and maintenance solutions...

Posted: 01/08/2018

Global Marine Group handed RoSPA Order of Distinction (19 consecutive Golds) Award for health and safety practices

Global Marine Group has been issued a prestigious award in recognition of its practices...

Posted: 24/07/2018

Nurturing the next generation of engineers

For the last couple of weeks, Megan, an A level student from Great Baddow...

Posted: 05/07/2018

Global Marine Group to Ride 350km for corporate charity, the Jubilee Sailing Trust

Next week, a team of amateur and enthusiastic riders from Global Marine, CWind and...

Posted: 04/07/2018

Celebrating the successes of our people

At the end of June we held our Annual Awards Evening recognising employees and...

Posted: 03/05/2018

CEO Today Magazine Announce Ian Douglas as a European Award Winner 2018

Ian Douglas Wins CEO Today Magazine European Awards We are pleased to officially announce...

Posted: 12/04/2018

Contract Awarded for Sub Sea Cable Replacement in Orkney Isles

Global Offshore is pleased to share Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks’ latest press release regarding a...

Posted: 14/02/2018

Global Marine Group presented prestigious Shipowner of the Year Award by Offshore Support Journal

The Global Marine Group (GMG), a market leader in offshore engineering services to the...

Posted: 20/12/2017

Global Marine Group announces new business unit ‘Global Offshore’ to serve the oil & gas sector

The Global Marine Group (GMG), a market leader in offshore engineering services to the...

Posted: 01/12/2017

Global Marine Group completes acquisition of Fugro’s trenching and cable lay business

Acquisition Further Positions Global Marine Group for Significant Offshore Power Market Opportunities Chelmsford, Friday...

Posted: 07/11/2017

Global Marine Group launches new Safety Management System

Global Marine Group (GMG) has launched a new Safety, Security and Environmental Management System...

Posted: 12/10/2017

Global Marine Group to acquire Fugro’s trenching and cable laying business

Acquisition further positions company for significant offshore power market opportunities Chelmsford, Thursday 12 October...

Posted: 05/09/2017

Global Marine Group Awarded Order of Distinction from Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Chelmsford, Tuesday 5 September 2017. The Global Marine Group (GMG), a market leader in offshore...

Posted: 31/08/2017

Global Marine Group Chooses Port of Blyth to Extend UK Footprint

Chelmsford, Thursday 31 August 2017. The Global Marine Group (GMG), a market leader in offshore...