Project: Rampion Phase 1
Client: E.ON Distance/depth: 75km/0.8m TOP Description: Installation and burial on first phase of 33kv array cables on the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Date: 28/08/16 – 20/11/16 Phase 1 of the Rampion project consisted of cable loading transport and installation of 60 infield array cables with a total length of 75km. The project included all engineering, planning and project management associated with the work. Global Symphony carried out the cable loading from the cable manufacturer in the North East of England and transported the cables from the factory to the wind farm where the cables were installed. This included fitting cable protection systems into wind farm foundations and securing the cables on the wind turbine foundations ready for termination. Following the cable lay, the 60 cables were trenched using the Q1400 trencher with its mechanical cutting tool, to a depth of 800mm in particularly hard seabeds consisting of clays chalks and flints. Phase 1 was carried out on time, according to plan and within budget. This work was awarded as follow on work from the successful campaigns on Eon Humber Gateway.

Project: Machar Umbilical Trenching – BP ETAP Oil Field
Client: Bibby/ BP Distance: 600mm TOP Description: Jetting and cutting on ETAP replacement umbilical Date: 14/07/16 – 05/08/16 In the redevelopment of BP’s ETAP oil field the Q1400 trenched and buried the Machar replacement umbilical. Global Offshore carried out all engineering and planning for the umbilical burial, with soil analysis needed to ascertain the best burial method as more sands and very hard clays were expected in this part of the Central North Sea. Trenching plans and procedures were developed, and both cutting and jetting methods were used also utilising the Q1400 deck transfer system in order to give the most cost effective burial solution for the project. With an overall length of 35km the Q1400 was used in jetting mode for c. 21km while the cutting tool of Q1400 was used for c. 14km. A total of four areas were initially trenched using the Q1400 cutting tool with one switch over from cutting to jetting after which the remainder of the umbilical was trenched using the jetting system. The entire project was completed within 24 days. 
Project: Lincs Offshore
Client: Centrica
Distance/depth: 16km/800mm TOP
Description: Inaugural trenching project using the Q1400 in mechanical cutting mode, scope of work was to post trench 16x120mm diameter array cables
Date: 12/07/12 – 28/09/12
Project: Humber Gateway
Client: E.ON
Distance/depth: 3.0km/1m TOP
Description: Trenching trials undertaken for E.ON at their Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm using the Q1400 in chain cutting configuration, trialling different chain configurations
Date: 27/01/13 – 07/02/13
Distance/depth: 43.4km/600mm TOP Description: Chain cutting of 77 cables at Humber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm; inter array cables and 2 export cables, average length 800m Date: 15/08/14 – 09/03/15
Distance: 7.0km Description: Installation of 8 array cables and second end pull-in to TP of 2 prelaid cables. Work carried out during trenching campaign Date: 15/12/14 – 24/02/15
Project: Corrib
Client: Technip/Shell
Distance/depth: 16km/600mm TOP
Description: Jet trenching of 16km on Shell Corrib umbilical from shallow water 12m LAT out to deep water 60m
Date: 29/05/13 – 24/06/13
Project: Arkwright
Client: Ocean Installer/Talisman Distance/depth: 10km/800mm TOP Description: Chain cutting of 10km umbilical replacement working in 100m water depth in central North Sea in mixed soil conditions with sand and hard clays Date: 02/07/13 – 14/07/13
Project: Golden Eagle
Client: Technip Distance/depth: 4.5km/600mm TOP Description: Chain cutting on Nexen Golden Eagle development on 4.5km umbilical where very fast track project was completed Date: 25/09/13 – 30/09/13
Project: Bittern
Client: Ocean Installer/Shell Distance: 22.5km Description: Chain cutting on 2 Shell Bittern umbilical replacements; 1 x 2.5km and 1 x 20km Date: 21/10/13 – 14/11/13
Project: Gwynt y Môr
Client: RWE
Distance/depth: 32.0km/1.2m TOP
Description: Chain cutting of 40 inter array cables at the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm, each cable approximately 800m long, working in extremely variable soils
Date: 24/01/14 – 29/06/14
Project: Gemini
Client: Van Oord
Distance/depth: 130km/1.5m TOP
Description: Jet trenching 200km of 132kv export power cable for Gemini Offshore Wind Farm
Date: 06/07/15 – 01/10/15
Distance/depth: 60km/1.5m TOP
Description: Jet trenching 150x Gemini Offshore Wind Farm array cables
Date: 16/10/15 – 10/05/16
Project: Borkum II
Client: VBMS
Distance/depth: 1km/1.5m TOP
Description: Jet trenching on Borkum II Offshore Wind Farm for array cable replacement
Date: 05/08/15 – 09/08/15
Project: Baltica
Client: Prysmian Distance/depth: 4km/3m TOP Description: Remedial jet trenching on TDC fibre optic cable Date: 06/12/15 – 27/12/15
Project: Egmond aan Zee
Client: VBMS Distance/depth: 0.8km/1.5m TOP Description: Jet trenching on Egmond aan Zee Offshore Wind Farm for replacement array cable Date: 16/01/16 – 20/01/16
Project: Ivar Aasen Norway
Client: EMAS/Aker BP Depth/cover: 500mm TOP/ 300mm Description: Jet trenching on 1 umbilical and 3 pipelines 2 x 8” and 1 x 10”on Ivar Assen project Date: 10/06/16 – 18/06/16
Project: Engy Cygnus
Client: Bibby/Engie Distance: 600mm TOP Description: Jet trenching of 8km long umbilical in the southern North Sea Date: 10/11/2016