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Thursday 18th June 2020
Today marks what should have been the graduation ceremony for students from the City of Glasgow College.
One of our cadets, David Stamford Lee, has been recognised, from over 250 students graduating, as Engineering Cadet of the Year.
David is a final phase Engineering cadet who has excelled both academically and practically throughout his cadetship, David has gained valuable experienced on extended trips on Global Marine’s Cable Innovator and Cable Retriever.
David, like many cadets has had his progress delayed by Covid-19 pandemic, but expects to have completed his Cadetship by September and is looking forward to the next stage of his career as a qualified Merchant Navy Marine Engineer.
One of David’s tutors said, “David is passionate and driven for a successful career in the marine engineering industry; which has strengthened his determination and motivation throughout his cadetship. He has represented the college and maritime industry on multiple occasions, including the MNTB, Education Scotland as well as flag bearing for college ceremonies. He is a professional, respectful and hardworking marine engineer ready for the next chapter of his journey. With a promising career ahead of him, David will only flourish in the maritime industry.”
David commented, “I was extremely happy to have been given this award. Thank you very much to the support given to me by City of Glasgow College and Global Marine and to the Northern Lighthouse Board for sponsoring this award.”
Read more about the class of 2020 on the City of Glasgow College website.